Wednesday, August 2, 2017

The hour of code

 The last, two or three, weeks I´ve been working on this new project called "The hour of code" as the title says. A project in which I lerned what coding is and how to work with it. One point to bear in mind is that all this new knowledge that we adcquire was thanks to Khan Academy. Khan Academy is an educative organisation that focuses on teaching online. Besides it guide us during this period of learning by showing videos or GIF´s. Coding, commands and canvas are were common concepts that appeared while learning.

 Coding: Coding is what makes it possible for us to create computer software, apps and websites. 

Commands: Are oders, which indicate the computer device to do or execute next.

 Canvas:  Often described as an HTML5, is an element you can use for drawing purposes

So, we saw a video that taught us how to draw a snowman. For that we needed circles. In oreder to get circles used the command ellipse which works like this: First you must write the word ellipse followed by brackets and at the end you must type ";". Inseide the brackets goes the instructions like where and how you want the circle. Here is a picture:

after learning how to do the basic shapes we went on some activities a little more difficult like the excercise called "Wild animal". For this excersise I tried to create a koala, I did the best I could. and this are the results:

code image

generated image

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